- Roses, Spray Roses, Carnations, and Star Gazer Lilies in a Vase
- Two Carnations, Four Mini Carnations, Greenery, and Bow in a Bud Vase
- Two Roses, Purple Statice, Greenery, and Bow in a Bud Vase
- Verbena, Button and Cushion Poms and Hypericum Berries in a cube vase
- Gerbera, Roses, Tulips, Alstroemeria, and Mini Carnations in a cube vase
- Gerbera, Mini Carnations, Spray Roses, Hypericum Berries in a container
- Lilies, Verbena, Poms, Roses, Snaps, Statice, and Wax Flower in a vase with raffia
- Roses, lilies, carnations, snaps, verbena, and baby’s breath in a vase